Título: Antônio Callado, Repórter: Tempo de Arraes e Vietna do Norte
Autor: Antonio Callado
Sinopse: Product Description
First volume of Fato Ficção (Fact Fiction), the new collection of Ediouro, Antonio Callado, repórter (Antonio Callado, reporter) brings together two of the greatest works of Antonio Callado ? Tempo de Arraes (Arraes Time), which tells how Miguel Arraes dealt with the agrarian question in his government, and Vietnã do Norte (North Vietnam), historical reportage that brings the impressions of the journalist as a correspondent in Vietnam during the war against the United States and reveals a past that does not get tired of repeating itself.
About the Author
Antonio Callado (1917-1997). Born in Niteroi, Brazil. Journalist, novelist, biographer and playwright, began as a reporter at Correio da Manhã (the Morning Post) at the age of 20 and also contributed to O Globo, Jornal do Brasil and Folha de S. Paulo. He worked on the BBC in London during the war. Some of his journalistic work has become books; others, themes for novels and plays. Among its main are A madona de cedro (cedar Madona) (1957), Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971) Reflexos do Baile (Ball Reflections) (1976). Joined Academia Brasileira de Letras (the Brazilian Academy of Literature) in 1994.
Editora: Agir
Páginas: 232
Ano: 2005
Linguagem: pt
ISBN: 8522006806
ISBN13: 9788522006809
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