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A New Life With Jesus Christ

Título: A New Life With Jesus Christ

Autor: Rosmarie Navarro

Sinopse: This book aims at analyzing issues regarding the religious psychology through the point of view of the religious Christian therapy and the procedures adopted. The author´s interest for this field of therapy originated from her religious Christian experience acquired through the sessions in her office and at church. In this book, the author describes the motives that lead her to this new therapeutic method, why people seek for this type of specialized treatment, and the reasons for this choice. The author presents some of the research done by scholars in the area of psychology and psychiatry about man as a religious being, emphasizing many aspects of religiosity and its effects on daily life. This demands our reflection as researchers in the area of mental health.

Editora: Thesaurus

Páginas: 0

Ano: 2012-01-01

Edição: Religi‹o

Linguagem: pt-br

ISBN: 8540900858

ISBN13: 9788540900851

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