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A New Introduction to American Studies

Título: A New Introduction to American Studies


Sinopse: A New Introduction to AMerican Studies 4th edition provides a coherent portrait of American history, literature, culture and society, and also deals with some of the central themes and preoccupations of American life. Using fundamental influences like the machine and the city, and subjects such as imagery and icongraphy, myth, national identity, ideology, popular culture and painting are analysed in order to provoke students into thinking about what it actually means to study a culture.

Editora: PEARSON

Páginas: 2000

Ano: 2000

Edição: 1

Linguagem: PORTUGUES

ISBN: 0582894379

ISBN13: 9780582894372

  • Encadernação: BROCHURA
  • Peso (kg): 0,400
  • Altura (cm): 23,00
  • Largura (cm): 16,00
  • Espessura (cm): 0,10

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