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A love story... With a happy ending

Título: A love story... With a happy ending

Autor: Flávio Gikovate

Sinopse: Technological advances and changes in society have led to the growth of individuality and the impoverishment of conventional love – which nonetheless prevails in the collective imagination as an ideal. This slow transformation, according to Flávio Gikovate, is excellent news. He believes that adults today have two options, both of which are much better than the possessive conventional relationships of old: to live alone, establishing more superficial emotional and physical connections; or to develop relationships based on what he calls +love, which respects individuality and can create ties capable of lasting a lifetime. In this work, Gikovate explains how to take the second path – definitely more difficult, but far more rewarding.

Editora: Summus Editorial Ltda.

Páginas: 156

Ano: 2021-04-12


Linguagem: pt

ISBN: 8572550631

ISBN13: 9788572550635

    Informações do Autor

    Nome: Flávio Gikovate

    Descrição: Médico e psiquiatra

    Flávio Gikovate

    Biografia: Flávio Gikovate foi um médico psiquiatra, psicoterapeuta, e escritor brasileiro.

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